Getting Married at The Old Meeting House


Make it Your Day

The Unitarian and Free Christian Church, Ditchling welcomes enquiries for weddings, including same-sex marriages.

The Old Meeting House is a beautiful and historic venue which could be just right for your wedding ceremony. It seats up to 60 guests comfortably and includes a newly refurbished mezzanine floor area. In addition, it has lovely gardens for photographs.

Faith Matters

Getting married is an act of faith. Faith in each other and faith in life. The Unitarian and Free Christian Church has an open and inclusive approach to religious faith matters, and we do not expect you to hold any particular beliefs in order to get married at The Old Meeting House. However, we encourage you to come along to some Sunday Services in order to get to know us and make sure that this is the right place for you to make this important commitment.

Our Minister

Weddings at The Old Meeting House are conducted by our minister Rev. Duncan Voice or a suitably trained celebrant provided by the Unitarian and Free Christian Church. Duncan will be happy to discuss your wedding plans with you. He will help you to create a ceremony that is beautiful and spiritually meaningful to you. You are welcome to bring your own ideas for readings, prayers, music, vows and how you would like the ceremony to work.

Legal Bits

Before getting married at the Old Meeting House you will need to visit your local Register Office. In order to marry outside of the District of your residence, you will need to be able to state that Ditchling Unitarian Chapel is your usual place of worship, so if this is the case we recommend attending more than one service at The Old Meeting House before you give notice.

We have a number of church members who are registered with the local authority as “Authorised Persons”. One of these members will be present at your ceremony to ensure the that all legal requirements are satisfied. To be married in church a declaration must be said, for example, “I declare that I know of no legal reason why I (…) may not be joined in marriage to (…).” and vows must be said, for example, “I (…), take you (…) to be my wedded wife/husband.” We can explain the different options available to you.


The cost of a marriage ceremony at The Old Meeting House is £415 (+pianist).


The Old Meeting House has a piano and we would be happy to arrange a pianist or you can bring your own! You would also be welcome to use recorded music featuring your favourite songs. Should you wish to include hymns, we have two hymn books and can advise you ones that would be suitable for your wedding.


The Old Meeting House was built in 1730 and is a listed building, therefore we regret we are unable to make all areas accessible to people with mobility issues. The mezzanine area is accessed by a narrow staircase and is not suitable for very young children and those with mobility issues. There is also only one toilet in the building which is accessed through a small kitchen area. There is insufficient space for wheelchair users. A ramp is however available for the main entrance to allow wheelchair access and seating on the ground floor is movable.

If you wish to book your wedding or if you have any more questions please contact Duncan on 07771 609347 or use the form below.